Play LED Music Light Shows from your iPhone


Regular price $293.00

The music light show machine.

Create and play fantastic music light shows, using your LED string lights and controlled by your iPhone. Each flickerSong unit powers eight channels of light show entertainment, plug and play expandable to hundreds.of channels. Advanced switching electronics at 210Hz provide crisp, flicker-free effects, lightning fast or smooth fades - whatever you want, with a lightweight, cool, package.

Music light show creators:

  • Compose a light show using your Mac and favorite DAW, the light show is simply a virtual instrument on your MIDI tracks, and MIDI notes launch light effects
  • Simulate the light show on your Mac
  • Bounce the MIDI with the Music to create a MP3 music file, the light show embedded as an ID3 tag
  • Play the MP3 like any music file, and the light show plays along just as composed
  • Sell your music light show on this site

Music light show fans:

  • Purchase MP3 music light shows for your enjoyment, or - compose your own


For more information, check out the following resources:



  • ScottEffx Mac or iPhone App - free on the Apple App Store
  • LED string lights
  • Mac (OS 12.0 or greater) or iPhone/iPad (iOS 15.1 or greater)
  • Wifi Router, G-Band or Dual Band
  • (For composing lightshows) a Digital Audio Workshop (DAW), MIDI-OUT capable, such as Logic Pro, AVID Pro Tools, Ableton Live
  • (For simulating lightshows) An image editing program such as GIMP or Photoshop to create light-show decorated scenes